Brussels, 15.06.2024

It was a great pleasure, to host and organize the International Association of Korean Lawyers' European Conference in Brussels. The conference brought together lawyers from Europe and Korea to delve into cutting-edge legal topics at the forefront of the law in Europe.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to IAKL Overseas and IAKL Korea for their generous support, Archè SELARL (법무법인 아르케) for co-organizing with PARRESIA Avocats.
We are deeply grateful to our sponsors: Kobre & Kim, Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) German Arbitration Institute and MOLITOR Avocats à la Cour SARL for their generous contributions.
We thank our esteemed speakers: Pillkyu Hwang, Habbine Estelle Kim, Chun-Kyung Paulus Suh, Kunhee Cho, Christina Renner, Maciej Plotka, Jin Woo KIM, Jin-Sa John Jun, and WooRin Shin.
We look forward to seeing you at the IAKL Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada, from October 3 to 6.